Friday, 10 October 2014

Friday Favourites! #3 | Little Miss E

Hello loves!

Y'all know the drill...


I don't know why but I have really been enjoying drinking coffee this week. It might have something to do with the DISGUSTING weather

Fuzzy socks

I have been wearing fuzzy socks non-stop! I have a few too many pairs I think....but I still want to get more for autumn/winter this year

NYC Nail Polish in Spring Tulip

I have been wearing this on my toes this week and I love it! Its such a nice colour and brings back a pop of summer!

Olivolio Hair Mask

I have been using this a lot this week and I'm obsessed with it! Its amazing and I'm really happy because I found it online, you can only buy it in Greece so I need to order loads!

Well they are all my favourites this Friday! I'm currently suffering with a bit of blogger's block so please comment what posts you would like me to do and I will do them all!

Ella xx

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